{"id":929,"date":"2021-10-15T13:01:54","date_gmt":"2021-10-15T13:01:54","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/moowy.co.uk\/?p=929"},"modified":"2023-02-01T20:56:14","modified_gmt":"2023-02-01T20:56:14","slug":"leafmould-how-to-turn-fallen-leaves-into-gardeners-gold","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/moowy.co.uk\/leafmould-how-to-turn-fallen-leaves-into-gardeners-gold\/","title":{"rendered":"Leafmould: How to Turn Fallen Leaves into Gardener\u2019s Gold"},"content":{"rendered":"

Have you felt that sudden, distinct change in the air? That crispness that only begins to appear as October moves into November? Maybe you notice that the lush green of your shrubs and trees transform into the most vibrant reds, browns, and yellows. It\u2019s leafmould season.<\/p>\n

Sure, autumn is a sign that the summer is over. But there’s definitely a pay-off as the nights draw in and the temperature drops: the colours of autumn are a sight to behold.<\/p>\n

However, leaves on your lawn is a BIG no-no. If you leave them to decompose over the winter, you’ll find that most of your grass will have died come spring.<\/p>\n

So, dust off that trusty rake<\/a>, and gather the leaves. But don\u2019t instantly chuck them in the compost heap. Leafmould is a valuable mulch and an excellent soil improver. This article explains how to make it and what to do with it once you\u2019ve created that lovely, crumbly, nutritious soil.<\/p>\n

What is mulch?<\/h2>\n\"Mulch\n

Mulch is a layer you place over the surface of your soil. It can be organic matter, such as fallen leaves, leafmould, or chipped barked. Or your can buy manufactured “fleece\u201d or plastic lining that keeps the earth warm.<\/p>\n

Mulching minimises weeds – for precisely the reason you DON’T want to leave leaves on your lawn (there’s a tongue twister for you!). The mulch layer creates a barrier between the sunlight and the soil, which can suffocate your lawn.<\/p>\n

But a mulch layer is excellent for your flowerbeds, with a variety of benefits:<\/p>\n